Sports You Must Try to Lose Weight

Sports You Must Try to Lose Weight

Who doesn't want to have an ideal body shape? Some people go on a strict diet to get a slim body so that they look better. But without realizing it, a strict diet actually makes you suffer because it is not easy to do. In addition, you need consistent effort in order to successfully lose weight.

In addition to managing your diet and following a healthy diet, you need to balance your efforts by exercising. Regular exercise will help you burn calories and make your diet more effective. Not only that, your body becomes tighter. But many are still wrong in trying to lose weight because they are not right in choosing the right type of exercise and are not done regularly.

So, what are the best sports to lose weight? Here we summarize the types of exercise that you can do every day to get the ideal body shape.


Running or jogging is the simplest sport and is often used as an option for daily exercise. Not surprisingly, although simple running has many benefits, especially for weight loss. Moreover, if done regularly, running will not only burn your calories and prevent obesity but is also beneficial for heart health and increase stamina.

You don't have to force yourself to run long distances. For starters, you can do this sport by walking around the complex or sports field and adjust it according to your abilities. You can gradually increase the intensity of your run. For optimal results, try to run in the morning or evening for about 30 minutes three times a week.


Swimming is one of the most popular water sports. In addition to running, swimming also helps you to burn excess calories in the body. That's because swimming allows you to move your whole body actively so it's effective for weight loss. Not only that, swimming also helps build your muscles, especially the arm, thigh, back and chest muscles. So not just to lose weight, your body shape will also be better.

In addition to being beneficial for cardio and shaping posture, swimming is also good for your heart and lung health, while reducing the risk of diabetes. You can do this water exercise regularly for 30 to 60 minutes on weekends or two to three times a week to achieve optimal results.


Jumping rope or skipping is another simple exercise that is easy to do. This sport can also be done anywhere. Although simple, jumping rope is also very effective in burning calories and of course you can try to lose weight. Combine this exercise with a healthy diet, then you will get optimal results. Jumping rope for one hour per day is known to burn up to 900 calories. So with just a skipping rope, your efforts to lose weight will be more optimal. Your arms and legs will look slimmer.


Well, this one is a favorite of women. Aerobics is also known as a very effective exercise for weight loss. Aerobics is in demand because it has agile and dynamic movements so this sport is very suitable to be done in a group or large group. There's nothing wrong with trying this sport with friends to be more enthusiastic. You can do it at home by watching video tutorials on the internet or at the gym because almost all gyms open aerobic classes for members. This sport is also often an option to be held at certain events and of course very fun to do together.

When doing aerobics, you will sweat a lot because all parts of your body are actively moving so you can maximize calorie burning. Do it regularly two to three times a week to get optimal results. You will not only have a slimmer body, but also a healthier heart and a more youthful appearance.
